About Us

About Cat Defence Network

Cat Defence is a desexing agency that specialised in arranging desexing at subsidised prices. We assist with owned, stray and homeless cats; cats belonging to all people who are struggling to afford the cost of desexing their cats (not just pensioners).

Unfortunately, we are not able to take cats into care. We also do not pay for other people’s vet bills, we simply help to desex cats. We are based in Sydney but also committed to helping cats in rural areas of NSW where we can.

Our organisation was founded by a small group of passionate individuals in the early 90s, who began desexing both companion and street cats. In 1996, we became an incorporated association known as Cat Defence Network.

Over time, some members took cats into care. There were quite a lot of tough years, as caring for CD cats took a lot of money.

In 2011, we formed a new committee and decided to refocus on our primary mission - desexing cats. As advocates for responsible pet ownership, we recognised that every cat deserves to be fed, sheltered, given proper veterinary care, and showered with love and attention. We made the decision to stop taking in cats so as not to burden carers with too many animals.

We've also made other improvements to our organisation. We now keep accurate records and conduct regular reporting, send out newsletters to our members, fundraise regularly, and have a registered constitution. We're committed to improving the lives of cats in our community and beyond, and we're excited to continue our work towards this goal.

Thank you to all our members, volunteers, and supporters for their kindness, generosity, and steadfast support as Cat Defence Network would not exist today without all you WONDERFUL people.

Activity Report

We are very pleased with our activity report. We have been steadily increasing the number of cats we have been able to help each year. During the 2022-2023 financial year we facilitated the desex of 439 cats. This is a substantial increase from our previous average of 215 cats per year. It is your support and generosity that allows us to do this work.

Help us make a difference